Seasons, Dates, Availability
1. Liberated Season
For folks that would like to start hunting on September 1st, we have developed a liberated bird farm. We have designated a large tract of land as a controlled shooting area. Besides a good population of wild birds, we have liberated thousands of pheasants throughout the summer and fall. Imagine two and three hundred bird flushes at a time!
Bird Limit: We have a four bird limit (Yes, you can shoot Roosters and Hens! If it flies, it dies!) at the rates quoted and extra birds can be taken at an additional charge. Duck hunting and fishing are also available at no additional charge. Click here for season dates and limits.
Combo Hunting & Fishing: It's pheasant hunting at first light for a quick limit, then off to the Dove field, followed by lunch at the lodge, a nap, then off for an evening of exciting White Bass fishing or a limit finishing Dove hunt (while the Doves are still around). Later in October, it's Pheasants in the morning with fishing for White Bass, Walleye, and Catfish in the afternoons.
Liberated Season Dates - Sept 1 to the Start of the Regular Hunting Season.
2. Regular Season
A traditional Kansas pheasant hunt during the regular hunting season on over 20,000 acres of grasslands.
Regular Pheasant Season Dates - Second Saturday of November until the end of January.
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