December 23, 2011 by Jeff Rader
So do you measure deer season by the horns or all the fun people we met and the experiances we had together. So what was the highlight?
Was it Berts decoyed buck that spit on his decoy just before Bert shot it?
Was it the buck Steve Graham shot that was getiing ready to mount his decoy just before an arrow peirced his heart.
How about the deer David shot that fell down 40 feet embankment. Thank god for 6'7" freinds.
Or how about the Pac man field experiance that Mark Melotic had 2 170 deer rattled in and a total of 6 pope and youg bucks rattled in one morning.
Or the 3 --180 class bucks we ran out of a draw that were trying to lease for next year.
How about running 75 deer out of a deer yard and Wild Bill shot a beaute. buck Just to hear more gunshots and 2 more deer fell.
So all in all a great year. Let's check out the photos...

We learned many lessons that will only make us better. So first week bow season averaged 50% deer arrowed. 2nd week 50% deer arrowed Grandview media week & out of 9hunters 7 hunters arrowed Bucks. Thanks giving week 50% again. Rifle season 9 out of 11 guys pulled the trigger on shootable bucks. So thanks to my good hunters old freinds and new freinds that we have. Thanks to Steve and Bill for assisting me.
Merry Christmas,
Jeff Rader
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Rader Lodge News,
Deer Hunting